Research Training Group 2498

Research Training Group 2498

Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments

Posts filed under Publications

11 Sep// PhD Defense of Nico Rössner

On 11 September 2023 at 1:00 pm Nico Rössner, PhD student of the RTG project P06, will defend his dissertation entitled “Regulation of Intra-Organellar Calcium Homeostasis in the Golgi Apparatus of Arabidopsis thaliana” at the lecture hall Julius-Kühn Hörsaal (HS E.02), Theodor-Lieser-Str. 9. Feel kindly invited to attend the event and support him in this… (read more)

Cover Image of Plant Physiology by Sedef Özyürek

The first issue of Plant Physiology in 2023 is covered by an amazing microscopy image of three plastids and a nucleus showing a plastid stromule connecting with the nucleus surface. The image was taken by Sedef Özyürek, RTG PhD student of the project P03, and is related to the latest publication of Sedef Özyürek, Martin… (read more)

Publication: MCU proteins dominate in vivo mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in Arabidopsis roots

Great contribution of RTG members Khansa Mekkaoui and Bettina Hause (Project P02) to a recently published Plant Cell article about mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) proteins in Arabidopsis roots – a collaborative work involving reputable plant scientists. Read the full article online:

Publication on the regulatory function of the trans-Golgi-localized protein BICAT3

The newest findings regarding the regulatory function of the trans-Golgi localized protein BICAT3 have been recently published in a Plant Physiology article, August 2022. The publication is a great result of hard work and fruitful collaboration of RTG members Edgar Peiter (P06), Nico Rössner (P06), Martin Schattat (P03) and colleagues. Read the full article online:… (read more)

Review published on “Regulators regulated: Different layers of control for plasma membrane phosphoinositides in plants”

New review on the regulation of Phosphoinositides related to RTG project Nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of plant PI4P 5-kinases (P10) was recently published by project leader Mareike Heilmann in collaboration with Ingo Heilmann (P01) in the journal Current Opinion in Plant Biology, June 2022. Read the full article online:

Publication: LC–MS Based Draft Map of the Arabidopsis thaliana Nuclear Proteome and Protein Import in Pattern Triggered Immunity

Great outcome of RTG2498 project LC-MS based mapping of organellar protein trafficking and turn-over (P11A). Congratulation to all authors and contributors for publishing their research results in Frontiers in Plant Science, Nov 2021. Read the full article online:

Publication focusing mitochondrial mTERF18 and ATAD3

In September the article “mTERF18 and ATAD3 are required for mitochondrial nucleoid structure and their disruption confers heat tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana” with contribution of RTG members Kristina Kühn and Theresa Schoeller (P08/P08A) has been published in New Phytologist. Read the full article online:

Method paper with RTG contribution published

As part of the Methods in Molecular Biology book series an protocol about “Analysis of Phosphoinositides from Complex Plant Samples by Solid-Phase Adsorption Chromatography and Subsequent Quantification via Thin-Layer and Gas Chromatography” with the contribution of RTG members Monique Matzner, Mareike Heilmann and Ingo Heilmann was recently published. Read the full article online:

RTG related Review about Calcium and Manganese published

Recently, in March 2021 the RTG2498 members Edgar Peiter and Nico Roessner and collaborators published this awesome review about Transport, functions, and interaction of Calcium and Manganese in plant organellar compartments in PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. “It highlights our current mechanistic understanding and points to open questions of their functions, their transport, and their interplay in the… (read more)

Plant Cell Article about nano-organization of Plasma membranes published

In December last year a remarkable article on the nano-organisation of the plasma membrane in pollen tube was published in THE PLANT CELL by Ingo Heilmann and co-workers. Monique Matzner, PhD student of the RTG 2498, was also involved in this work. Well deserved! Read the full article online: