Obligatory Science Training
Introductory course (3 weeks).
Each PI will provide a 1-day course about his/her project that is obligatory for each PhD-student of the RTG. This will guarantee that they are all familiar with the background and methodology that is relevant and available within the RTG. To link the individual aspects, the coordinator leads the PhD-students through the overarching theme.
Written Research Outline.
Within the first three months, each PhD-student composes a written and fully referenced outline of her/his planned PhD-project. The outline is presented to the responsible Thesis Committee and discussed in the first Thesis Committee meeting.
Research stay in a partner laboratory.
If feasible, the PhD-student should spend several weeks in a collaborating research group, ideally abroad, to both expand the cultural and scientific horizon and to establish further contacts.
Hands-on Lab Training.
The students will participate in ≥ 3 fundamental training courses on experimental methods. Examples for such 1-week training courses are given here. Further topics will be offered on demand.