Research Training Group 2498

Research Training Group 2498

Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments

// Welcome

to the website of the Research Training Group (RTG) 2498 “Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments”, a structured education program that connects Plant Research Groups at the MLU Weinberg-Campus in Halle (Saale) and beyond.

The RTG 2498 is a structured education program, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG. Different departments from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) provides graduate students a stimulating and interdisciplinary scientific environment with access to divers methodological and instrumental competencies.

// General Information        // Interdisciplinary Methods Platform        // Qualification Program

The research of the RTG 2498 centers on the interplay of selected plant cell compartments, which are key factors defining the properties of plant cells. Communication and dynamic of cell compartments is a central part of the reaction of plants to developmental and environmental changes. Investigating intercompartmental processes and signaling is essential to better understand the entire plant organism.

// Research Focus                 // Projects                  // Publications

The RTG 2498 provides a cooperative, interdisciplinary and international community sharing a common research interest. Within the RTG currently 16 internal and associated PhD students are comprehensively supported by 11 RTG Project Leaders and Cooperating Scientists, with different scientific backgrounds ranging from agricultural/nutritional sciences to plant physiology, and from botany to biochemistry and advanced analytics.

// Graduates & Associated                 // Project Leaders                  // Cooperating Scientists

One central aspect of the qualification program of the RTG 2498 are Science Trainings and Complementary Activities. PhD Student Seminars, Colloquiums, exclusive meetings with international guests and RTG internal retreats are regularly organized. To additionally offer the PhD students a broad spectrum of elective Trainings the RTG closely collaborates with other PhD programs of the MLU (InGrA, PhD Network, etc.) and IPB (DoCou).

// Upcoming Events                 // Past Events                  // Calendar

The MLU Weinberg-Campus in Halle (Saale) is home to an exceptionally large number of research groups focusing on plant sciences. The participating institutes have a documented history of joint research.

// Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology                 // Institute of Biology

// Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences         // Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry

In the “Member Area” you can find logos, banners, and files for download, further information and links.

The Gallery with photos of RTG events and the possibility to leave comments are password protected. To get access, contact

// Downloads and Information                   // Gallery                  // Leave your comments           

Latest news

11 Sep// PhD Defense of Nico Rössner

On 11 September 2023 at 1:00 pm Nico Rössner, PhD student of the RTG project P06, will defend his dissertation entitled “Regulation of Intra-Organellar Calcium Homeostasis in the Golgi Apparatus of Arabidopsis thaliana” at the

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8 Sep// PhD Defense of Leander Ehmke

On 8 September 2023 at 2:00 pm Leander Ehmke, PhD student of the RTG project P07, will defend his dissertation entitled “Membrantransport gefalteter Proteine: Untersuchungen zu Struktur, Funktion und Evolution der Tat-Translokase pflanzlicher Mitochondrien” at

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7 Sep// PhD Defense of Sarlita Dwiani

On 7 September 2023 at 10:00 am Sarlita Dwiani, PhD student of the RTG project P08, will defend her dissertation entitled “Genome-wide mapping of transcription start sites in mitochondria of Arabidopsis thaliana for determining the

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20 & 21 Sep// Retreat 09/23 in Freyburg

On 20 & 21 September 2023 the RTG members will meet for an exclusive retreat in Freyburg (Unstrut) to discuss about the projects and internal issues. In addition, a workshop on research data management will

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03 Jul// PhD Defense of Pinelopi Moutesidi

On 03 July 2023 at 1:00 pm Pinelopi Moutesidi, PhD student of the RTG project P01, will defend her dissertation entitled “Investigation of HDC1-regulated transcriptional net-works and their role in Pi deficiency response” at the

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