P01 -Lipid-cytoskeleton interactions during stress-induced ER-plasma membrane contacts
// Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann // Monique Matzner // Vera Wagner
P02 – Interplay of plastids and peroxisomes in jasmonate biosynthesis
// Prof. Dr. Bettina Hause // Khansa Mekkaoui // Ranjit Baral
P03 – Stromule-mediated plastid-nucleus interactions
// Dr. Martin Schattat // Sedef Özyürek // Chaima Guizani
P04 – Intercompartmental signaling of external phosphate status
// Prof. Dr. Steffen Abel // Dr. Christin Naumann // Pinelopi Moutesidi // Max Jonas Paulmann
P05 – Initiation of Jasmonate biosynthesis in plastids
// Dr. Debora Gasperini // Yunjing Ma // Frieda Rößler
P06 – Calcium as a regulator of organellar interactions
// Prof. Dr. Edgar Peiter // Nico Rössner // Oriana Mariani
P07 – Towards the functional relevance of dual protein targeting in plant cells
// Prof. Dr. Ralf Bernd Klösgen // Dr. Bationa Bennewitz // Leander Ehmke // Nicolas Kistner
P08 – Role of a dual-targeted organellar RNA polymerase in controlling organelle function
// Prof. Dr. Kristina Kühn // Sarlita Dwiani // Tim Kiesel
P09 – Plastidial signals regulating senescence and stress response in the nucleus
// Prof. Dr. Klaus Humbeck // Prof. Dr. Karin Krupinska // Bui Manh Minh // Ivana Mladenovic
P10 – Nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of plant PI4P 5-kinases
// Dr. Mareike Heilmann // Lennart Schwalgun // Marie Lebescond
P11 – LC-MS based mapping of organellar protein trafficking and turn-over
// Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann // Dr. Wolfgang Hoehenwarter // Mohamed Ayash
P12 – Regulation of plant immunity through (sub)compartmentalization of an RNA granule protein
// Dr. Justin Lee // Anindita Karkhanis
P13 – Alternative mRNA isoforms generated in the nucleus as a source for organellar adaptation to stress
// Prof. Dr. Sascha Laubinger // Sandra Schüler
More projects within the RTG
P01A – Investigations into a new component of the plastid protein import machinery
// Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann // Prof. Dr. Sacha Baginsky // Dr. Birgit Agne // Nadine Bauer
P04A – Role and function of Pi deprivation induced ER stress-mediated autophagy in Arabidopsis root tips
// Dr. Christin Naumann // Prof. Dr. Steffen Abel // David Görg
P06A – Determination of systemic calcium signals in plants by a vacuolar cation channel
// Prof. Dr. Edgar Peiter // Srijana Raj
P08A – Post-transcriptional mechanisms in plant mitochondria
// Prof. Dr. Kristina Kühn // Theresa Schoeller
P08B – Complex I Proteostasis in Plants
// Prof. Dr. Kristina Kühn // Dr. Etienne Meyer // Simge Parlar
P08C – Composition and role(s) of respiratory supercomplexes in plant mitochondria
// Prof. Dr. Kristina Kühn // Dr. Etienne Meyer // Helene Röhricht
P09A – Retrograde signaling components in Arabidopsis thaliana
// Prof. Dr. Klaus Humbeck // Prof. Dr. Karin Krupinska // Thuy Linh Nguyen
P10A – Studies on the possible role of phospho-inositides in the epigenetic regulation of GCN5-regulated genes in A. thaliana
// Dr. Mareike Heilmann // Franziska Daamen